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Mei's Dance Studio
Watch Recital 2024
Our athlete students in Team USA won big...
We won two Taoli International prizes...
What's New
K-Pop Dance
2024-2025 Ardsley Studio Programs
9/17/2024 年 - 6/15/2025
KPop Adult
(age 14 & up) 1:00-2:00 PM
Kpop Children
(age 10-14) 2:00-3:30 PM
(age 7-14 ) 3:30-5:00 PM
Adult Dance Fitness
(age 14 & up) 2:00-3:00 PM
Adult Dance Fitness
(age 14 & up) 3:00-4:00 PM
Dance Mix 3
(age 7-9) 4:00-5:00 PM
Adult Dance Fitness
(age 14 & up) 10:00-11:00 AM
Fees (half-year or one year)
Dance Mix 3 $490 or $980
and Performance $730 or $1450
Kpop level 2 $730 or $1450
Kpop Adult $490 or $980
Adult Dance Fitness $300 or $600
2024-2025 Chappaqua Programs
9/17/2024 - 6/15//2025
Adult Chinese Dance
(age 14 & up ) 9:00-10:00 AM
Children Chinese Dance
(age 7-10) 4:15-5:15 PM
Lion Dance
(boys and girls age 6-11)5:15-6:15 PM
Fees (half-year or one year)
Adult Dance $300 or $600
Children Dance $490 or $980
Lion Dance $490 or $980
Ardsley Studio
645 Saw Mill River Rd. 2FL. Ardsley, NY10502
Chappaqua Studio
New Castle Community Center. 10 Senter St, Chappaqua, NY 10514
1、早⻦计划:6⽉16⽇前年付减$50,之后年付减$20。 (成⼈课除外)2、新⽣9 ⽉前付费减免注册费$25,9 ⽉后报名需交$25注册费3、同样的家庭,第⼆个孩⼦的学费参加“早⻦计划”年付减少$60,早年计划后缴费年付减少$30。4、学⽣家⻓参加成⼈课,年付减$20。5、名额有限,以缴费时间为准,先到先得,缺课补课在其他同类课有空位的前提下,错过的课可以在本周或下⼀周参加同⼀类课程补课。如果同⼀类课程员满或者没有同类课,则不提供补课,但将得到⼀节课的credit,下学年使⽤。原则上,⼀学年可以有两节课的credit。如遇特殊情况,另⾏协商处理。退费: “早⻦计划”退费:第⼀节课前可以100%退费。 第⼀节课前可以100%退费。第⼆节课前可以95%退费。 第三节课开始后不退费。 第⼆节课开始后不退费。
Zelle or Venmo to: 9178601850, Xinliang Guo, or
Check Payable to: Mei's Dance Studio:
Address: Mei's Dance Studio
18 Lakeview Rd. Ossining NY 10562
Congratulations to
Viola Li and Sophia Shen, two of our young athlete students
in the Team USA Artistic Swimming won big with their team in
the recent FINA Youth World Championship.
By Alyssa Jacobs, USA Artistic Swimming | Aug. 16, 2022, 4:10 p.m. (ET)
The second FINA Youth World Artistic Swimming Championships came to a close in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday. USA claimed four medals at the championship across seven categories. In addition, the American 13-15 national team was awarded the Overall High Point trophy for their incredible performance over the course of the championship...
report from


In April 2022, our performance team won the Gold prize for its Tibetan dance "Daughters of Himalayas" in Taoli World Dance Competition 2021-2022 Spring Final.

And in the same competition, the Adults Students won the Platinum Prize for the Yi dance "The Good Girls".